Social networking sites have received a lot of attention from the nonprofit world because they align with nonprofits’ desire to reach out to larger communities. If your local animal shelter could tap into a network of cat lovers in your area, the logic goes, wouldn’t that allow it to find homes for even more pets? Social networking is now an integral part of today?s modern culture. People sign up to be part of social networks to stay in touch with friends, find new contacts or business prospects, or share thoughts and discuss common interests. Social networking destroys what libraries were created for. MySpace and Facebook, etc., don’t belong in libraries anymore than libraries belong in MySpace and Facebook, etc.
Social networking has the potential of connecting all three of those pillars and take patron interaction to a new dimension. The challenge lies in convincing the doubters. Social networking sites, like any other web sites, can be conduits for the distribution of malicious software. Your employees might know not to click a link in an email message from an unknown source, but if that link appears in a message from a social networking ?friend? or in a tweet from someone the employee is following, it might be a different story. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision . Although social networking is possible in person, especially in schools or in the workplace, it is most popular online.
Social networking sites have not written their pages in a manner that gives the option of not sucking bandwidth. Why should the military have to account in their tactical network design, which is limited by technology that will handle “being in the field” for sites that do not account for them? Social networking has grown exponentially in an incredibly short time, which I believe means it’s here to stay. But as with every new technology, there will always be the “early adopters” who embrace anything new with glee and enthusiasm; the “let’s wait and see” brigade who first wait to see if it catches on and let other people try it out and get the bugs out before deciding to investigate it for themselves; and finally the “who needs these new-fangled gadgets” brigade who will never adopt new technologies. Social networking is your goal, learn to influence and make friends.
Social networking is one of the hottest new Web technologies in sight with millions of users registering and participating around the globe. Topic-specific Usenet newsgroups available on the Internet and electronic discussion forums characteristically populated by professionals of a like mind have been around in various online formats since the 1980s. Social networking spawned by the Internet allows communities worldwide to revert to the close-knit culture of preindustrial society, in which nearly every member of a tribe or a farming hamlet knew everything about the neighbors. Except that now the “villagers” span the globe. Social networking has arrived on your PC, and is coming to your phone, your favorite computer game, your chat program and anywhere else you might consider tapping into the Net. Depending on how you define the term, there are already at least 250 social networking sites or companies, and the mergers-and-acquisition crowd is eyeing them all hungrily.
Social networking websites are also welcomed by advertisers around the globe. For example, the famous social networking website, myspace generates over $1 billion as advertising revenue. Social Networking had almost nothing to do with getting Obama elected. Sure, he was talked about on the social networks, and people who supported him organized on social networks, but that was all a result of the media support he had .it was all top down. Social networking has become a huge issue for the parents of our students. Justified or not, their reactions are a direct response to what they are seeing and hearing about social networking sites through the media.
Social networking is central to many Web 2.0 and Medicine 2.0 applications and involves the explicit modeling of connections between people, forming a complex network of relations, which in turn enables and facilitates collaboration and collaborative filtering processes. For example, it enables users to see what their peers or others with a predefined relationship (“friends”, “colleagues”, “fellow patients” etc.) are doing; enables automated selection of “relevant” information (based on what peers are doing and reading on the Web); enables reputation and trust management, accountability and quality control, and fosters viral dissemination of information and applications (it is this “viral marketing” aspect that makes Web 2.0 applications so attractive to venture capitalists and public health practitioners alike). Social networking may have started out as a way for students to keep track of their friends, but it has expanded in just about every direction. These days, you can find at least one related social networking site on just about any general topic, including music , photography , television , books , shopping , and bookmarking . Social networking requires commitment — you can’t set up a MySpace profile and then walk away. You have to approve new friend requests, respond to messages, post your latest action alerts, send out bulletins, keep your profile up-to-date, and more.
For Free Mymusicticket News update click here
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Money for music?Music for cash?
What is this talk about getting paid to be on the web?
Well it is here and just in time to help us in a bad reccession.
Find more videos like this on SuccessvilleNewsNetwork
Would you like to make extra money everytime someone just looks at your website?
Even if they did not buy any of your products?
This is a business opportunity that you do not need to think to much about except to join here.
You can even gein to join for FREE . Than if you like up grade.
Now you can not go around saying nobody give you a chance because right now I am giving you chance it is up you.
My Space and facebook made millions of dollars last year and they did not give me a dime . I dont know about you.
If you join here . We will share revenues with you and you friends. Our team is looking for a few key players and this is going to sign up with us now
I’m waiting to hear from you today: Remember there is no cost to check this systems out so dont be lazy lets roll email me now
Well it is here and just in time to help us in a bad reccession.
Find more videos like this on SuccessvilleNewsNetwork
Would you like to make extra money everytime someone just looks at your website?
Even if they did not buy any of your products?
This is a business opportunity that you do not need to think to much about except to join here.
You can even gein to join for FREE . Than if you like up grade.
Now you can not go around saying nobody give you a chance because right now I am giving you chance it is up you.
My Space and facebook made millions of dollars last year and they did not give me a dime . I dont know about you.
If you join here . We will share revenues with you and you friends. Our team is looking for a few key players and this is going to sign up with us now
I’m waiting to hear from you today: Remember there is no cost to check this systems out so dont be lazy lets roll email me now
Friday, April 24, 2009
Do you know what exactly is the musicticketbusiness is?
It is comprised of four different business models
Internet retail niche marketing ,
As and in time MMT reaches the size of 100 million users according to its current projection. it will become a great and powerful internet retail store selling music, DVD’s, jewlery, and to many to mention products, it will also be comprised of services of all kinds for which you find on line.
Niche social media,
Becoming the first in line for the right niche, being at the top of the niche can create great success and creates a powerful successful model.
Social networking,
Social Networks create and generate income from its mass advertisements, creating great wealth. But, the revenues are not creating wealth for their millions of members or users.
MMT creates the ability to not only be able to do all the things you can do on other social networks, it allows you the ability to have all the income generating benefits as well.
Multi level marketing,
The wide spread and global trend of MLM being used as this business model creates a fast growing company. It has been used by many new and high growth companies. MMT has used all the best qualities of MLM compensation plans.
MMT is quickly to become the most popular and highest ranked business opportunity to hit the planet. Be first to get the highest rankings and earn money quickly by joining a wining team now.
So stay posted tomorrow for we focus on another MMT topic.
It is comprised of four different business models
Internet retail niche marketing ,
As and in time MMT reaches the size of 100 million users according to its current projection. it will become a great and powerful internet retail store selling music, DVD’s, jewlery, and to many to mention products, it will also be comprised of services of all kinds for which you find on line.
Niche social media,
Becoming the first in line for the right niche, being at the top of the niche can create great success and creates a powerful successful model.
Social networking,
Social Networks create and generate income from its mass advertisements, creating great wealth. But, the revenues are not creating wealth for their millions of members or users.
MMT creates the ability to not only be able to do all the things you can do on other social networks, it allows you the ability to have all the income generating benefits as well.
Multi level marketing,
The wide spread and global trend of MLM being used as this business model creates a fast growing company. It has been used by many new and high growth companies. MMT has used all the best qualities of MLM compensation plans.
MMT is quickly to become the most popular and highest ranked business opportunity to hit the planet. Be first to get the highest rankings and earn money quickly by joining a wining team now.
So stay posted tomorrow for we focus on another MMT topic.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
OK there are 3 different levels of membership at MYMUSICTICKETS
Free Member: These are the daily users, who use the system as a social networking site, thats it. Not very interesting to networkers.
Paid Member: $19.99/month. Income is earned from pageviews and e 3 x 10 matrix. You also get over 30 different pages to promote your own other businesses. When the matrix is fully filled, there is a possible monthly income on the matrix alone of over $100.000.
If you upgrade later to premium, it is $79.99 per month
Pro-Member: $59.99/month. This is a great membership for everybody who wants to make a living with MMT.
You get paid on the matrix the same way as the Paid Member.Can downgrade at any time to $19.99
In addition, you can qualify to a share of the company-wide revenue. If you qualify in one of the matrix, you get an equal share of the pool shared with all the other qualified members. The monthly share in each pool could grow soon to over $1 Million.
Qualification is done on following criteria’s:
At launch, the first 10,000 Pro-Members do not have to do the entry qualification – they are automatically qualified as Pro-Members and will get the shop and all the other neat features – even without having a single person in the matrix.
Entry qualification: 6 personally sponsored Pro-members and 20 Pro-members in the matrix.
Silver-pool: 30 personally sponsored Pro-members
Gold-pool: 50 personally sponsored Pro-members
Platinum-pool: 100 personally sponsored Pro-members
3 x 10 Matrix:1.) All $20 and $60 members get 3 x 10 comp2.) All $20 and $60 members get Uni-Level on their page views / traffic to their sites3.) Uni-Level pays 20% matching bonus, 5 generations in sponsor genealogy
Additionly, you can qualify to a share of the company-wide revenue. This means, if you qualify in one of the pools mentioned below, you get an equal share of the pool shared with all the other qualified members. The monthly share in each pool could grow soon to over $1 Million.
Uni-Level:1.) Free trial of a music-video package will be offered to members at sign up2.) If you take the free trial, you are paid $43.) You are paid $1 through 5 generations for all in your uni-level who take the trial.4.) Our understanding is that if you do not take the Free Trial yourself, you DO NOT qualify for the 5 Generation, $1 bonus on those who do.5.) Purchase traffic / directed hits to your site, you will earn $2, 5 Generations deep for all who buy a traffic package.6.) Your own page views, traffic to your own site earns per page view7.) 20% match, 5 Generations on page views in your uni-level
One of the very interesting things you get as a Pro-member as well is your very own MMT-shop on the site, where items such as clothes and a lot of other retail goods is sold.
Every time a customer buys in your shop you earn a commission on the sale.
There is also a MMT-music shop on your site as a Pro-member, and each time a customer buys and downloads a CD you earn a commission.
Sign up for free info:
Fast Start Bonuses:1.) Basic $20 member sponsoring a paid member: $9 fast start bonus2.) Premium member sponsoring a premium member: $30 fast start bonus3.) Premium member sponsoring a premium member earns $10 monthly residual4.) Basic member sponsoring a premium member DOES NOT get the $30 fast start or the $10 residual
Free Member: These are the daily users, who use the system as a social networking site, thats it. Not very interesting to networkers.
Paid Member: $19.99/month. Income is earned from pageviews and e 3 x 10 matrix. You also get over 30 different pages to promote your own other businesses. When the matrix is fully filled, there is a possible monthly income on the matrix alone of over $100.000.
If you upgrade later to premium, it is $79.99 per month
Pro-Member: $59.99/month. This is a great membership for everybody who wants to make a living with MMT.
You get paid on the matrix the same way as the Paid Member.Can downgrade at any time to $19.99
In addition, you can qualify to a share of the company-wide revenue. If you qualify in one of the matrix, you get an equal share of the pool shared with all the other qualified members. The monthly share in each pool could grow soon to over $1 Million.
Qualification is done on following criteria’s:
At launch, the first 10,000 Pro-Members do not have to do the entry qualification – they are automatically qualified as Pro-Members and will get the shop and all the other neat features – even without having a single person in the matrix.
Entry qualification: 6 personally sponsored Pro-members and 20 Pro-members in the matrix.
Silver-pool: 30 personally sponsored Pro-members
Gold-pool: 50 personally sponsored Pro-members
Platinum-pool: 100 personally sponsored Pro-members
3 x 10 Matrix:1.) All $20 and $60 members get 3 x 10 comp2.) All $20 and $60 members get Uni-Level on their page views / traffic to their sites3.) Uni-Level pays 20% matching bonus, 5 generations in sponsor genealogy
Additionly, you can qualify to a share of the company-wide revenue. This means, if you qualify in one of the pools mentioned below, you get an equal share of the pool shared with all the other qualified members. The monthly share in each pool could grow soon to over $1 Million.
Uni-Level:1.) Free trial of a music-video package will be offered to members at sign up2.) If you take the free trial, you are paid $43.) You are paid $1 through 5 generations for all in your uni-level who take the trial.4.) Our understanding is that if you do not take the Free Trial yourself, you DO NOT qualify for the 5 Generation, $1 bonus on those who do.5.) Purchase traffic / directed hits to your site, you will earn $2, 5 Generations deep for all who buy a traffic package.6.) Your own page views, traffic to your own site earns per page view7.) 20% match, 5 Generations on page views in your uni-level
One of the very interesting things you get as a Pro-member as well is your very own MMT-shop on the site, where items such as clothes and a lot of other retail goods is sold.
Every time a customer buys in your shop you earn a commission on the sale.
There is also a MMT-music shop on your site as a Pro-member, and each time a customer buys and downloads a CD you earn a commission.
Sign up for free info:
Fast Start Bonuses:1.) Basic $20 member sponsoring a paid member: $9 fast start bonus2.) Premium member sponsoring a premium member: $30 fast start bonus3.) Premium member sponsoring a premium member earns $10 monthly residual4.) Basic member sponsoring a premium member DOES NOT get the $30 fast start or the $10 residual
Monday, April 20, 2009
mymusicticket-Makes You Money
You can connect directly to Facebook, and other social sites and chat with your friends there from your my music ticket site.
Lots of features for a low cost. Get paid to surf?
The question is? What level do i join Pro membership will be the highest paying membership, because for the first three months, there are no referral qualifications. ALL Pro members will share in the Silver, Gold and Platinum pools… which are estimated to be worth over $900,000.00 each! Hello?
A no brainer to join at the $59 pro level , at least for the first month so you get a share of that big money.
THEN if you don’t make money as a pro, you can downgrade. But I am sure you will be making much more each month than the cost of $59.00
If you are certain that you will be joining at the Pro Level Memberships I can get you into a winning starting position.
Please do not worried about the personal referral requirements. Please understand that sponsoring people is only one way to earn.
But the nice thing is you do not have to sponsor people to make extra money with thw mymusicticket system.
In fact, it is all about viewership and advertising. Of coarse the normal internet narketing like: sending emails, reading blogs, writing blogs, chats, watching videos, listening to music. And all of those things will earn you money. Thats right!
So the more effort you put in the more you earn. Any kind of traffic you bring will earn you money. Use your site in your auto surfs and traffic exchanges… earns you money. Get cheap traffic, even really cheap traffic… it all earns you money.
I believe this sytsem will do so weel I going to try to put togehter a step by step instructions to help you get started. You see If Ihelp you make money I also make a little money that is the way the systems is setup. Which make sense for everybody.
Terms of payment: Like most things on the internet:
visa, mastercard,Echeck, and may other terms of payment to suit your needs
Check back tommorow and I will explain the break out for the different commision you will receive
Have Question?
Lots of features for a low cost. Get paid to surf?
The question is? What level do i join Pro membership will be the highest paying membership, because for the first three months, there are no referral qualifications. ALL Pro members will share in the Silver, Gold and Platinum pools… which are estimated to be worth over $900,000.00 each! Hello?
A no brainer to join at the $59 pro level , at least for the first month so you get a share of that big money.
THEN if you don’t make money as a pro, you can downgrade. But I am sure you will be making much more each month than the cost of $59.00
If you are certain that you will be joining at the Pro Level Memberships I can get you into a winning starting position.
Please do not worried about the personal referral requirements. Please understand that sponsoring people is only one way to earn.
But the nice thing is you do not have to sponsor people to make extra money with thw mymusicticket system.
In fact, it is all about viewership and advertising. Of coarse the normal internet narketing like: sending emails, reading blogs, writing blogs, chats, watching videos, listening to music. And all of those things will earn you money. Thats right!
So the more effort you put in the more you earn. Any kind of traffic you bring will earn you money. Use your site in your auto surfs and traffic exchanges… earns you money. Get cheap traffic, even really cheap traffic… it all earns you money.
I believe this sytsem will do so weel I going to try to put togehter a step by step instructions to help you get started. You see If Ihelp you make money I also make a little money that is the way the systems is setup. Which make sense for everybody.
Terms of payment: Like most things on the internet:
visa, mastercard,Echeck, and may other terms of payment to suit your needs
Check back tommorow and I will explain the break out for the different commision you will receive
Have Question?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
MyMusicticket-starts here
My Music Ticket
Would you like to earn an income everytime someone just looks at your website even if they did not buy any of your products or join your business opportunity?
The Nielsen Survey states : 67% of all users online are part of atleast one social network. Thats massive! Social network sites are great. We can share our day by day life, post our pictures, talk with and email our friends.There is almost unlimited things you can do on sites like MySpace and Facebook.However what if YOU could get paid when you are doing all these tasks? What if Facebook paid you every time you login and send a message.Do you think that will ever happen? Not a chance. They want to keep their millions of dollar in revenue for themselves
Experts are telling us that MMT will be bigger than MySpace, Facebook and even Youtube! Cutting Edge Social Networking.
You may not know, but every time you write something on Facebook or MySpace, they get content that is used by the search engines to drive traffic. A job you have done, but did you get paid? Slavery?But because of you, they can charge advertisers hundreds of millions every year because they have milions of visitors who never ask to get paid. People like you and me. Fair? Not all all. That's about to change.!
Its so easy to have your own team that are willing to be a part of a large growing community and social network! Invite all your friends, its so easy.
Get a 50 page website once you sign up.
"SO Lets get you ready to start"
Email me:
I will let you know when it launches so you will up in the ranking and first in line!
Would you like to earn an income everytime someone just looks at your website even if they did not buy any of your products or join your business opportunity?
The Nielsen Survey states : 67% of all users online are part of atleast one social network. Thats massive! Social network sites are great. We can share our day by day life, post our pictures, talk with and email our friends.There is almost unlimited things you can do on sites like MySpace and Facebook.However what if YOU could get paid when you are doing all these tasks? What if Facebook paid you every time you login and send a message.Do you think that will ever happen? Not a chance. They want to keep their millions of dollar in revenue for themselves
Experts are telling us that MMT will be bigger than MySpace, Facebook and even Youtube! Cutting Edge Social Networking.
You may not know, but every time you write something on Facebook or MySpace, they get content that is used by the search engines to drive traffic. A job you have done, but did you get paid? Slavery?But because of you, they can charge advertisers hundreds of millions every year because they have milions of visitors who never ask to get paid. People like you and me. Fair? Not all all. That's about to change.!
Its so easy to have your own team that are willing to be a part of a large growing community and social network! Invite all your friends, its so easy.
Get a 50 page website once you sign up.
"SO Lets get you ready to start"
Email me:
I will let you know when it launches so you will up in the ranking and first in line!
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